Thursday, October 1, 2015

TIL: Alpha-to-coverage for order-independent transparency

Alpha-to-coverage is a computer graphics technique, supported by most (all?) modern GPUs, for rendering translucent multi-sampled anti-aliased primitives. Given an alpha value in the range of [0.0, 1.0] and N samples of color stored per pixel, the alpha channel will be discretized into a coverage-mask of the N samples. An alpha of 0 will generate an empty coverage-mask (no samples take on the new color), an alpha of 1 will result generate a full coverage-mask (all samples take on the new color), and values in between will generate a partial coverage-mask (between 1 and N-1 samples take on the new color).

It's not alpha-to-coverage itself that I learned today however, but rather it's implication; Alpha-to-coverage is a form of order-independent transparency! In the naïve case, one benefits from N-layers of transparency. I suppose this is the whole point of alpha-to-coverage, but I never put two-and-two together*.

* I blame my experience. Being a GPU driver engineer, but never a rendering engineer, I'm exposed to large cross-section of rendering techniques and low-level graphics implementation details, but never to the greater-picture of real-time rendering but by word of mouth and self-study.

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